Wednesday, January 30, 2008

News Flash...

..... I officially stink at blogging. I warned all of you not to visit my blog until I got it to where I wanted it to be. Now you get a glimpse into what I'm all about.

I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. I want things in my life to be a certain way - laundry, kids, house, etc. I'm not obsessive/compulsive by any means, but I am picky about how things are and I like things done my way. The problem occurs when I get lazy or distracted or just don't want to do it. Here's one example.... I don't want to do the laundry - I hate doing laundry (especially the kids stuff - it takes forever to fold and hang), but I don't want anyone else doing it either because they don't do it my way. I once saw on Oprah that you should let the kids help fold laundry and clean up around the house. That is a nice theory, but I have to be the one to fold the towels the way I want them folded and put them away in their color families so they look nice in the linen closet. My kids try to help and I've even spent time showing them the right way to fold, but I end up re-doing it when they leave the room. If I'm not in the mood for doing laundry (which is most days), we just end up with piles of laundry! How does all this relate to blogging?

I want my blog to be just so. Do I want to spend the time to figure out how to do it? No - I have to spend my time thinking about all the laundry that I've let pile up. So instead of just posting here or there, I ignore it or as my husband likes to put it "bury my head in the sand". I'd just rather not do it at all until it is up to my satisfaction. Why then, you may ask, am I even blogging now? A few of you out there have been bugging me about why I haven't posted since the beginning of December. Hopefully, this will satisfy you until I complete my blogging 101 course and officially get things up and running. I promise to let you all know when the "Grand Opening" will be (like it will really be that exciting, but who knows? Maybe I'll even offer door prizes for the first 10 viewers!) Until then, happy blogging to you all!


Kristen said...

Thanks Roxeanne! I was going to be one of those people bugging you any day now. When you get into it, you'll wonder where blogging has been all your life

Brown Family said...

Hey Roxanne! You'll figure it out, and there are a lot of pros hanging around the neighborhood, apparently. Glad to find you. :-)